Where We Stand in the Pro-Life Movement in the U.S.
Maria Gallagher
I have to admit that, when I first became involved in the pro-life movement, I thought that the whole nasty business of abortion would end in a few years. After all, I reasoned, many people—especially women—would have to come to the inescapable conclusion that abortion ended an innocent human life and that it hurt, rather than helped, women.
Tragically, we still have abortion with us. And it is questionable whether there are currently enough votes on the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the disastrous Roe v. Wade ruling, which brought us abortion on demand for any reason during all nine months of pregnancy. It is also disturbing that abortion has driven us down the slippery slope to assisted suicide in a number of states. It can also be persuasively argued that abortion has led to a coarsening of our culture and a disrespect for human life from conception to old age.
Then why do I harbor reason for hope?
The hope lies in the fact that our cause is just. Respect for human life is one of the principles our founding fathers and mothers held dear. Just because some in our society cannot see the humanity of the unborn child or the infinite value of the elderly soul, that does not mean that both do not have worth and should be protected.
Public opinion is also turning our way. National polls show the vast majority of Americans oppose most abortions. Support for the pro-life cause is greater among young people today than it was among the youth of past decades. The hundreds of thousands who throng the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. are a testament to both the vitality and the youthfulness of the pro-life movement.
Abortion totals are down and laws providing greater protection to unborn children and their mothers are on the rise. Ultrasound pictures of preborn babies are virtually everywhere—on Facebook and Twitter, in cyberspace and on cell phones. Pregnancy help centers, where women can obtain comprehensive help for themselves and their babies, outnumber abortion facilities nationwide. Change is not only in the air—it is in corridors of state Capitols.
This is an exciting time to be part of the pro-life movement. If you are not already involved—join it! You will not only be helping to save lives—you will be on the right side of history as well.
For additional writing from members and associates of the St. Gabriel Respect Life group, see below