


Mindling, Fr. Daniel J. "Catholic Principles in Bioethics." Pro-Vita Institute 2016: The Bioethics of Life. Saint Patrick Church. Video. 23 June 2016. 

George, Robert. Natural Law, God, and Human Dignity. May 2012.

Schonborn, Cardinal Chistoph. On Love and Friendship. Thomas Aquinas College. June 2002, Audio and text.

Spitzer, Robert. Five Pillars of the Spiritual Life. EWTN. Audio.

Spitzer, Robert. The Four Levels of Happiness. Magis Center of Reason and Faith. May 2014.


Vost, Kevin. One -Minute Aquinas: The Doctor's Quick Answers to Fundamental Questions. Manchester: Sophia Institute Press, 2014. How can we be happy?  Do we have free will? Which habits shape our souls?  Aquinas’ answers are offered in brief, comprehensible essays, written in a congenial style.  




Mindling, Fr. Daniel J. "Catholic Principles in Bioethics." Pro-Vita Institute 2016: The Bioethics of Life. Saint Patrick Church. Video. 23 June 2016. 

End of Life


Mindling, Fr. Daniel. Honoring the Dignity of Life in Sickness and Death: Church Teaching. Archdiocese of Washington. Sept. 2014.

National Catholic Bioethics Center. Are We Obligated to Sustain Life? August 2010.

Sheehan, Fr. Myles, M.D. Facing the End of Life: Recovering Our Catholic Traditions. October 2012.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. To Live Each Day With Dignity: A Statement on Physician Assisted Suicide.

Genetic/Embryonic Manipulation 


Dignitatis Personae on Human/Animal Hybridization and Using Biological Material of Illicit Origin. Summary by the Catholic News Agency

Dignitatis Personae on Human Cloning. Summary by the Catholic News Agency.

Dignitatis Personae on Human Genetic Manipulation. Summary by the Catholic News Agency.

Dignitatis Personae on  Stem Cells. Summary by the Catholic News Agency.

Dignitatis Personae on Technology and Procreation. Summary by the Catholic News Agency.

General Moral Questions


National Catholic Bioethics Center. No Cooperation With Evil Acts. August 2010.

National Catholic Bioethics Center. What is the Moral  Principle of Double Effect? August 2010.


Alcorn, Randy. Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments. Colorado Springs: Multnomah Books, 2000.  Well written, with question and answer format for defending the pro-life position.  


Catechism of the Catholics Church, Section Two, Chapter Two, Article Five: The Fifth Commandment. Retrieved Feb. 1, 2016. Catholic Church teaching on respect for human life.

 Dignitatis Personae (Instruction on Certain Bioethical Questions). Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. 2008.

Pope John Paul II. Familiaris Consortio (On the Christian Family in the Modern World).  Vatican City: Vatican Publishing House, 1981.

Pope John Paul II. Laborem Exercens (On Human Work). Vatican City: Vatican Publishing House, 1981.

Pope John Paul II. Letter to Youth. Vatican City: Vatican Publishing House, 1985.

Pope John Paul II. Salvifici Doloris (On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering). Vatican City: Vatican Publishing House, 1984.